Reflections On The School Admissions Process


Independent school admissions decisions are out and deposits are in, and the verdict... accepted, waitlisted or denied. For some, the outcome was just what they wanted, a spot at the school of their dreams. For others the decision was disappointing because they are on  a waitlist , or worse yet, denied. So what does this all mean?

Before I go on, I should tell you that my approach to school admissions is centered on self reflection and acknowledgement. I challenge you as parents, to take a non-linear approach to the school search by not making the process about a means to an end. Instead, push yourselves outside the box and use this as an opportunity to help your child build life skills. Life skills? What do they have to do with applying to schools? First, let us think about a few: admissions interviews, applications, school research, writing a resume, and time management. These are skills that all of us have to develop and use throughout our lives. So, why not start early?

“Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous.”


The first step in this exploration starts with your child and getting them to understand who they are as an academic, a person, and general member of society. At this point, you are probably wondering at what age children can start identifying these skills. A middle schooler, with coaching, can easily start pinpoint some of their characteristics and qualities. Do not underestimate your child’s ability to recognize their strengths and weaknesses! 

I would argue that regardless of the admission decision, it’s important to reflect on the school selection process. What did you learn about yourself as a parent? What did you learn about your child? And last but not least, what should you be doing as a family going forward? For parents of middle or high school students, this should be viewed as an opportunity for your child to reflect upon their profile. Okay, so this sounds interesting... but, where do I go from here?

Take a step back before you move forward and ask yourself or your child:

  • What did I or my child learn about their character?

  • Did I/they discover anything new about their academic profile?

  • Are extracurricular activities a significant part of the child’s life?

  • Should we consider academic support or enrichment?

  • Have I/we adequately researched and addressed the school programs that are a “best fit” match?

  • Did we put enough emphasis on the school community and environment?

  • Was the application process an emotionally balanced experience?

  • Did I empower my child in their school search?

Do not feel like you have to have one big conversation about this. Instead, use this as an opportunity to start a dialogue. You might want to consider putting pen to paper before engaging in conversation to show that you put time and thought into understanding their school search. We all know how hard it is to strike a conversation with our middle or high school students. Seize the moment!

While many of you might be thinking, “my child has a spot in their first choice school so what’s all of this reflection about?” These are questions every parent should be asking themselves periodically as their child navigates their educational journey. Take a pulse along the way, and make sure that your child’s school is still appropriate based on how they are developing not only as a student, but as a person.

For those of you who are still waiting for a spot or are planning on going through the school application process again next fall, turn a negative into a positive, and use this time to reassess your child, and their school list. You might find yourself wondering if you should have done things differently. Remember, it’s never too late to redirect your thought process, and change your plan.

horizontal rule in KQ signature colors

Jacquie Quigley | Partner | Keating Quigley Educational Advisors

Is All Reading Good Reading?


My friend posted a piece online recently sharing that when quarantine started in March she bought a Kindle and has read 64 books since then. Yes, 64! I did the math and that is roughly an average of 6 books completed per month (to my 1 or 2 reads). Although I’m happy for her, I have to say that I found this a bit intimidating. Did she not sleep? Did she ignore her family? I know she has a big job, so it’s not that she has the luxury to read all day…

And then my curiosity led to the possibility of audiobooks - did she go that route as well? Having said all of this, it made me ask myself ‘what is reading anyway?’ Does reading have to include the physical act of turning pages filled with print? Do audiobooks count - or is this cheating? And what about graphic novels? Do they promote or derail reading? Purists may have some strong opinions on all of this.


So, let’s consider why we read…

…Or more specifically, why we want our children to lead literate lives. It’s a given that reading is a crucial part of human development and a necessity for intellectual development. While reading to young children is a right of passage, it’s also a developmental necessity. We want them raised on stories so we can share with them the gift of language.

Babies actually start language development by babbling in a rhythm and mutter in complete sentences. If you listen closely, you’ll notice inflection, pauses, natural periods, and commas. The stories we first share with children are often nursery rhymes and rhythmical verse with beautiful illustrations. This is how we invite our children into literature and language. But then, as they grow, we transition away from them once they graduate to chapter books and beyond.

The Middle School Slump

As an educator, I see the middle school years as the period when the most dramatic decline in reading occurs. I’ve concluded that the root cause is attributable to external influences such as:

  • Middle schoolers are pressured to read the “right books” (aka the “literary canon”) versus being able to find an individualized reading “fit”.

  • Reading takes a back seat to so many other activities competing for their time, such as technology, sports, clubs, etc.

  • It can honestly feel weird to just sit and read sometimes, so creating the daily habit of sitting down and reading can be challenging in our culture.


Keeping the Flame Alive

So, if we are serious about fostering a love of reading in our kids, what can we do to nurture their curiosity and make it a part of their daily lives? Here are just a few suggestions:

  • Endorse ALL literature as a means to finding the right reading level.

  • Applaud graphic novels and how they invite visual learners in.

  • Consider listening to audiobooks.

  • Continue to read aloud to ALL age groups.

If we want to nurture a love of literature in our children - especially the most reluctant readers - let’s give them access to stories that will benefit their language development. For example, audiobooks allow them to hear a fluent reader and understand the story without the challenge of decoding. Similarly, why not let them enjoy the images in graphic novels? This will help them connect and comprehend the piece. And for those who love the printed word, let them cozy up and crack the binding of their current read.

Here’s How!

Here are my suggestions for inviting readers to the table and developing curiosity as part of their daily lives:

  • Litter your house with ALL books (picture books, novels, graphic novels).

  • Leave comics in the bathroom - for a quick and entertaining read.

  • Turn on TV and movie subtitles.

  • Listen to audiobooks in the car.

  • Have candid, organic conversations about books, the same way you might discuss a recent movie you watched or the latest Tik Tok trend!

Otherwise said, we need to commit to looking at reading in many ways in order to spark the flame early in our childrens’ lives and sustain it as a lifelong source of growth and joy. At the end of the day, let’s send our kids a clear message that All Reading Is Good Reading!

Let’s Connect...

If you’re interested in continuing this conversation, asking questions, or sharing your own observations, please feel free to email me at and join me for my free workshop, Is All Reading Good Reading?, on March 10 at 7:30 pm (register below).

Join us for:

Is All Reading Good Reading?
with Anne Connerty, Essay and Workshop Specialist

Wednesday, March 10
7:30 pm

Anne is also available for essay guidance and one-on-one mentoring sessions.

Written By Anne Connerty
Essay and Workshop Specialist

Offered by Keating Quigley Educational Advisors

Keating Quigley Educational Advisors is a Greenwich-based educational advising practice that partners with domestic and international families to provide highly personalized educational consulting services for Nursery through Grade 12 students. Services include school search support, essay guidance, social-emotional mentoring, relocation support, and enrichment workshops.

Help Your Daughter Shatter Her Glass Ceiling!

“Shattering glass ceilings”. The term is everywhere right now. But what does it mean? With the inauguration of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris taking place next week, this has been on my mind lately. When I look at my own two daughters, age almost five and almost two, I see so much potential. But I also ask myself: How do we help the next generation of young women keep the momentum going?

To be the leaders of tomorrow, the young girls of today need our help. Here’s how:

  • First, we must help them build confidence. A young woman may have intelligence and talent, but without confidence, she will not be able to achieve anything.

  • Secondly, we must support our girls with examples of role models and mentors. Knowing about our possibilities and seeing other accomplished women is a key part of reaching our own goals.

  • Lastly, frequent and meaningful conversations about female identity are critical to helping them shape their ideas about who they are and the women they will become.


Confidence is Key

We all want our daughters to feel that they CAN and WILL achieve anything in life. But how is this feeling developed? In a society full of comparisons on social media and pressure to get ahead of others in school, girls need to be reminded of how special and important their individual qualities are.

As parents, we have a unique opportunity to see our children’s strengths firsthand and witness the qualities that set them apart from others. But how often do we help them identify their strengths? Sometimes they need to hear positive feedback when they do something great to boost self-esteem and motivation. So remember to be specific and praise actions, not personality traits. For example, say something like, “You spoke so confidently and bravely with your teacher today, I am proud of what a leader you are becoming in your class.” This statement is more effective than a simple, “I think you’re really brave.” This way, you are intentionally reinforcing positive behaviors and choices, with the hope that they will repeat them in the future. This is also important in helping them to embrace their individuality.

Don’t forget to help your daughter recognize and celebrate her uniqueness. When she comes to you for advice, for example, remind her to follow her heart. During adolescence, many kids tend to follow the crowd. We should remind our girls that being different is not only okay, it is also a strength. Asking our girls questions such as “what is your gut telling you?” will help her reflect and build a sense of self-assurance that is vital for future success.

In addition, identifying how we behave and model for our girls is another key component of helping them build confidence. Do we exhibit self-assuredness and poise in our work? Do we take pride in it, and interact with colleagues and friends in a way that we want our daughters to emulate? Do we model acceptance of our bodies? Do we speak kindly about ourselves? Our girls are watching us and whether we intend to or not, we have an impact on their self-esteem. Their sense of self begins with a strong model for confidence. When girls are confident in themselves, they can dare to dream about and achieve goals that might be otherwise impossible.


Look to Role Models in their Lives

For our girls to achieve the same level of engagement and leadership that we have been able to attain, they must first have exposure. The adage, “We cannot be what we cannot see” could not be truer here.

Making sure to expose our girls to a variety of role models in a range of fields, and from diverse backgrounds, is ideal for encouraging them to think about themselves as competent women in the future. This is also why it is so important for accomplished women to become mentors to underserved youth, who may not have sufficient opportunities to see examples of various careers in their communities. It is never too early to have our daughters start conversations with other women about their career paths and experiences. We should encourage our girls to seek out as many new experiences as possible that will allow them to meet women in all fields.

Identifying opportunities to engage with female leaders will have a positive impact on the way they see themselves as young women. Engagement in after-school clubs, youth groups, dance classes, sports teams, art or music classes, or community service with an encouraging female mentor are great ways to experience this.


Engage in Dialogue about Issues Facing Girls and Women

Of everything we can do to motivate and lead the young women of the future, open and honest conversations are the most important.

It is important to discuss ideas and concepts like feminism, the history of women’s rights, the obstacles to gender equality that remain today, and women’s overall role in society. We must educate our girls and give them a chance to talk about how we got here and where we are headed.

Girls absorb so many messages, both positive and negative, about what they should and should not do as females. They need candid conversations that encourage them to reflect on the significance of their experiences and help them to challenge misconceptions. For example, many girls feel that if they speak proudly about their accomplishments or their appearance, they will be viewed as “conceited” or “full of themselves”. If they are allowed to consider this idea further, they would realize that this is not true. There is no reason that females shouldn’t be as loud and proud of their strengths as their male counterparts. Encouraging our girls to be proud of themselves is an important step in allowing them to shine. Honest reflection and candid discussion about our place in the world are vital to motivating the young women of the future.

I look at our young girls of today with so much hope and optimism. They have access to more information and opportunities than we ever did. They are also growing up in a more equitable society. The likelihood of a female succeeding is greater than ever, due to the powerful line up of women who came before us and broke barriers. Girls can dare to dream anything. The possibilities are endless. With confidence, access to strong mentors, and open dialogue, the sky's the limit for the next generation of women.

Girl Power!

A parenting workshop with Erika Brunwasser
Thursday, February 25
7:30 pm

Please join Erika, Social/Emotional Coach & Workshop Specialist, for an evening of guidance and support for a positive path to parenthood as part of the Keating Quigley Enrichment Collaborative.

Erika is also available for one-on-one virtual student mentoring sessions.

Written By Erika Brunwasser | Social/Emotional Coach & Workshop Specialist