College Chronicles by Charlotte G - The Sequel

Here’s Charlotte’s second blog on academics, dorm life, and the joys (and challenges) of being a college student!

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Hey, Freshman! How’s it going? I know my year had a crazy start, so I can only imagine that you felt it too!

I’m so proud of you guys. Can you believe it’s almost November? How time flies! For some of you, I know it’s been a hard adjustment, but I promise you, you’re not alone. Everyone is still acclimating, so don’t be afraid to confide in your friends: they’re possibly feeling the same way and would find comfort in a good heart to heart.

So now that you guys are settled in, it's time to talk about options for opening both your social and academic life. College, even more than High School, is a time to explore your interests. Luckily, joining a club, greek life, or athletics is easier than you thought! 

Getting involved in your campus community is something that I couldn’t recommend enough. Not only is it important to take breaks from academics, but it’s also essential to find people who share the same interests as you. I’ve been at College for over a year now, and I wouldn’t have had the same experience or met the amazing people if I didn’t join service clubs, IM sports teams, and also a sorority.

So let’s take a quick look at just some of the many opportunities at College…

Clubs and Volunteering

Clubs usually aren’t a huge commitment but are super fun. It’s such an amazing part of the college experience to be surrounded by a group that all want to participate in the same efforts as you. I love the clubs I am a part of, even though I was really nervous and hesitant to join. I especially love the Green Club, which helps make campus more sustainable (something I have been passionate about since my APES class junior year of High School). Clubs like the Green Club are just one of the many service organizations at colleges that embrace volunteering. It always feels fulfilling to give back to your college community and the communities surrounding campus.

Greek life

If it appeals to you, Greek life is a great experience, is an awesome way to meet new people and have a smaller sense of community on campus. At some schools, I know that Greek Life is considered to be “necessary.” However, being part of a fraternity or sorority is exactly what you make of it! If one chapter appeals to you because of their philanthropy, support, academics, and social scene, I recommend you take it into consideration!

Intramural/Club Sports

IM and club sports are another excellent way to get up and active at college. These teams are always looking for members and if you played a sport in High School or want to start playing a sport, be sure to try it out! Some schools have different requirements for their club teams. For example, I know the club women's lacrosse team at my school is more intense than our club women's soccer team, so they have more rigorous tryouts. Through research and word of mouth feedback, you can learn all about the sport you're interested in, and what it takes to get involved at your University. 

and finally…

Although it was challenging to get involved last year because of COVID, I have never felt such a sense of community as I do now at my school. Clubs are so happy to have new members, so go out and take full advantage of all opportunities at your fingertips. 

I know it can be scary to go outside your comfort zone, but the benefits outweigh the costs, and it's also important to take risks! Apply for a position, try out for a team, and stand up for what you believe. You won’t regret it.

Written by Charlotte G. | Blogging Intern | Keating Quigley

Admissions 101: Acing the Student Interview

Thoughts From Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process is overwhelming. The to-do list is endless; the multitude of components is bewildering, and the number of hoops you have to jump through is exhausting. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been posting regular blogs on how to break down the school search into bite-size chunks and make it more manageable.

This Week’s Lowdown: The Student Interview

For the final installment, we invited Sarah Scoville, who is an Associate Director of Admissions at Salisbury School, CT, to provide insights on how to help your student prepare for the school admissions interview. Over to you, Sarah…

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Acing Your Interview: 7 Tips from a Prep School Admissions Officer

Preparing for a school admissions interview can seem daunting. Here are seven tips to help prepare for the big moment.

1. Practice - Practicing will make you more comfortable when the time comes to interview. Sit down with a parent or friend and have them pretend to conduct an interview. Let them come up with questions to ask you on the spot. They can give you feedback on your answers, body language, etc. 

2. Do Research - You should be familiar with the school before you sit down for your interview. Be sure to take a look at the school’s website to brush up on basic facts and to get a feel for each school. You should have a good idea of why you are interested in the school, what you like most about the school and why you feel the school could be a good fit for you. 

3. What to Wear - Whether visiting a school campus in person for an interview or connecting with an admissions officer virtually from the comfort of your home, be sure to dress the part. Be sure you are looking clean and neat; you want to show you’re serious about applying and want to be considered a top candidate.  

4. Check Your Technology and Background - If you are conducting your interview virtually, there is nothing worse than having a tech glitch during an important virtual event. Before your scheduled interview time, make sure you double-check that you have the log-in or meeting information on hand and that your audio and camera are working properly. It's important to find a quiet space for your interview conversation (try to avoid a barking dog or noisy sibling in the background). And, make sure you check the backdrop behind you.  Is it too bright and as a result, we can't see you? Is it too dark? Try to place your camera at eye level and position yourself so you have a pleasant backdrop with gentle lighting.

5. Be Yourself  - Your admissions officer wants to get to know you, the real you. Talk about the things you like to study, your hobbies, your interests, your goals, and the new experiences you are looking forward to. Don't memorize prepared answers to then give to your interviewer. Having a genuine and honest conversation is the best way to learn if you and the school are a good fit for each other.

6. Ask Thoughtful Questions - It’s important that you prepare some engaging questions to ask your interviewer. You want to demonstrate that you have done your research and that you are invested in getting a strong sense of the school’s culture and community.  Don’t just ask a question as simple as “how big is your student body?”, dig deeper. 

7. Follow Up and Stay Connected - Because families may be unable to get to school campuses this fall to experience a school community in person, it is perhaps more important than ever to maintain a personal connection with a school. Be sure to send your interviewer an email after your conversation. This is a great time to ask to connect with a current student, faculty member, program director or coach. Making those personal connections with various community members will be critical as you look to learn more about each school.

The interview is a valuable piece of the boarding school application process and a great way to learn more about a school. Good luck! 

A final word from KQ …

Thanks, Sarah, we appreciate your input! As always, KQ is just a phone call or email away. Consider contacting us to prepare your student for the interview. Our specialists can also work with you to craft a compelling parent statement or with any other aspect of the admissions process. 

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written by Sarah Scoville | Associate Director of Admissions | Salisbury School

Sarah hails from Philadelphia, PA, and graduated from Haverford College in 2009. Following her graduation, she began her career in education at New Canaan Country School (CT).  Sarah has also taught at Brookwood School (MA) and Cardigan Mountain School (NH). In 2014, Sarah joined the admissions team at Salisbury School, an all-boys boarding school in Connecticut.  In addition to her work in admissions, Sarah has served as an advisor, coach, and dorm parent. Sarah lives on campus with her husband, their two children, and two labs. Click here to connect with Sarah!

Admissions 101: The Parent Statement & Interview

Thoughts From Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process is overwhelming. The to-do list is endless; the multitude of components is bewildering, and the number of hoops you have to jump through is exhausting. That’s why we’ve compiled this mini-blog series to help you break the school search process into bite-size chunks to make it more manageable. So let’s dig in…

This Week’s Lowdown

In our third post of the series, we take a look at two critical components of the school search process: the parent statement and the parent interview.

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The Parent Statement

The objective of the parent statement is to help the admissions team learn more about who your child is and what your family dynamic is at home.

As you prepare to put pen to paper, here are some tips on how to portray the best version of your child and your family in the application statements:

  • Firstly, don’t be afraid to brag: this is your child’s time to shine!

  • Give specific examples of how and why you are proud of your child

  • Share anecdotes that give insights into your child’s personality, traits, and accomplishments: the more you share, the more the admissions team will understand who your child is. But be careful not to overdo it!

  • Illustrate the growth you have seen in your child over the years

  • Expand on how this growth has shaped their character.

The Parent Interview 

Admissions Directors aim to make the parent interview as relaxed as possible and will do their best to ensure the conversation feels like a casual chat. Bear in mind, however, that the objective of the meeting is to:

  • Learn as much about you and your child

  • Show that you ‘know’ your child

  • Decide if your family is a good ‘match’ for the school

With this in mind, we strongly encourage you to do a brainstorming session ahead of the meeting to:

  • Reflect on why you are applying to the school

  • Describe your child’s learning style

  • Articulate why your child is a good fit

  • Make sure your messaging as parents is on the same page

In addition, be sure to prepare some questions for the admissions officer that show you have done your research and understand the school’s mission but are hungry to know more! 

KQ Quick Tips

  • You are your child’s strongest advocate, so be sure to weave examples of their personality and achievements into the statement and/or your conversation with the admissions officer  (e.g. community service; artistic talents; athletic ambitions; leadership roles, etc.)

  • This is your opportunity to show how proud you are of your child, so have at it (within reason, of course)!

  • One more thing, at the interview, don’t forget to smile, relax, and be yourselves!

A final word from KQ …

As always, we are just a phone call or email away. Contact us for help with your application. Our specialists will work with you to craft a compelling parent statement that helps prospective schools get to know your and your family. We can also help with interview prep or any other aspect of the admissions process.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written by Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

Admissions 101: The Open House

Thoughts From Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process can be overwhelming: the to-do list looks endless, the multitude of components can be bewildering, and the number of hoops to jump through feels convoluted. But it’s important to point out that there’s intentionality behind every step along the way: each school is simply doing its due diligence to determine if your child will be successful in their community.

So let’s dive right in and take a look at this week’s installment: The Open House.

This Week’s Lowdown: The Open House

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Last year, schools were forced to rethink Open House formats due to the pandemic, with many pivoting to virtual events out of necessity. This year, many have returned to in-person admissions events, but some continue to offer online options only, while some are offering a hybrid menu of virtual and in-person events. Be sure to check out each school’s website carefully to take full advantage of all the options available.

So let’s dissect the Open House to understand its purpose and what it looks like…

The overarching objective of these events is to give you the opportunity to meet teachers, students, and parents from the community so that you can ultimately determine if it’s a good fit for your child. Whether being held in-person or virtually, the Open House generally features:

  • Words of welcome from the Head of School

  • Informal opportunities to engage with teachers

  • Classroom visits

  • Parent and/or student panels

  • Campus tours

KQ Tips

As you will most likely be attending several open houses, we encourage you to take notes at each one to ensure you don’t forget important details along the way. It also goes without saying that if your child is old enough, have them attend the events with you and ask them to do the same so you can compare notes afterward. For example, as you listen to speakers, reflect on the substance of their words to determine:

  • Will my child be seen and known at this school?

  • Will my child thrive here?

  • Does this school provide value in terms of programming and extracurricular activities?

  • Does this school place emphasis on nurturing a love of learning and expanding moral character?

A final word from KQ …

Don’t forget that KQ is here to help you devise your personalized admissions plan, from identifying the school list through working on essays, preparing for interviews, and ultimately determining the best fit for your child. We’re always just a phone call or email away.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written by Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

Admissions 101: ISEE vs. SSAT

Thoughts from Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process can be overwhelming: the to-do list looks endless, the multitude of components can be bewildering, and the number of hoops to jump through feels convoluted. But it’s important to point out that there’s intentionality behind every step along the way: each school is simply doing its due diligence to determine if your child will be successful in their community.

So, if a school search is on your horizon, we’ve compiled a series of mini-blogs over the coming weeks. Each article will focus on a key element of the process and is intended to give you an overview of what’s involved and help you manage your time more effectively. For additional pointers, you can also read our previous blog, Starting an independent school search? Use the four Rs ... 

For the first installment in our mini-series, we invited Business Development Director at Summit Educational Group, Whitney Longworth, to help answer the perennial question that parents frequently ask us, “Which is better for my child: ISSE or SSAT? “ Here’s what Whitney had to say …

This Week’s Lowdown: ISEE vs. SSAT - Five Key Differences

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While many independent schools specify which test they prefer in the admission process, you may be in a situation where you have the choice of taking the Secondary School Admission Test or the Independent School Entrance Exam.  Here are some key differences to help you decide between the two tests:

1. Vocabulary

Both tests have sections devoted to vocabulary through identifying synonyms.  A key difference is that the other half of the verbal section on the SSAT is devoted to analogies, whereas the ISEE has sentence completions.  If your student struggles with vocabulary, they might find that the sentence completions section on the ISEE is less challenging because of the additional context within the sentences.

2. Essay

Each test has a timed writing sample component.  The SSAT provides students with a choice between two prompts and is the first section on the test.  The ISEE only provides a single prompt and is the final section of the test.  If your student struggles with writing, it may be worth considering the SSAT since they will be able to complete that section first, instead of having to wait until after they have completed the rest of the test on the ISEE.

3. Math

Both tests have similar math concepts, but the Upper Level ISEE includes more advanced concepts, including trigonometry.  The ISEE also has a Quantitative Reasoning section that can be more challenging for some students.

4. Guessing Penalty

The SSAT has a guessing penalty; if you answer a question incorrectly, you lose a ¼ point.  Students need to practice and strategize whether or not they should guess on a question or leave it blank.  The ISEE does not have a guessing penalty; you simply receive points for correct answers. 

5. Opportunities to Test

Students are allowed to take an ISEE test once during a testing window.  The windows are August – November, December – March, and April – July.  Students can take the SSAT on monthly standard test dates, as well as through flex tests and computer-based.  If you are working with a tight timeline, the SSAT may be more convenient as your student will have more opportunities to test.

Still unsure about which test might be the right choice for your student?  You can have them take a practice test of each and compare their results and experiences. 

A final word from KQ …

When it comes to deciding how best to navigate a school search with your child, don’t forget that KQ is here to help you devise a personalized admissions plan that includes building the school list, essay support, preparing for interviews, and ultimately determining the best fit for your child. We’re always just a phone call or email away.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

’ISEE vs. SSAT - Five Key Differences’ Written by Whitney Longworth | Director of Business Development | Summit Educational Group

Whitney graduated cum laude from Connecticut College where she was a selected scholar for the Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy. She started as a test prep tutor with Summit Education Group before joining the team full-time. She enjoys collaborating with school and independent counselor partners in her role at Summit. Whitney is a frequent expert panelist and guest speaker at industry conferences.

High School Chatter by Sasha

Sasha is a rising high school freshman and lives in the Fairfield County area. She will tell you that as an elementary school student she fantasized about high school but never thought the day would come. And here she is, on the verge of walking through the doors of her new high school. Read her tips and thoughts below for entering freshmen and their parents about how to tackle the transition to 9th grade.



During middle school, we become close and form meaningful connections. And then, we’re thrown into a completely unknown environment and expected to find a new group of peers. But making new friends seems infinitely more difficult now than it was when we were younger. It seems that people get more judgmental as they age. So, when the first day of school rolls around, the sad truth is that the first impression we make could determine what people think, which brings me to the ‘clothing conundrum’... 


While I’m sure most of us prefer having freedom in what we wear, as opposed to having a uniform, it seems that a uniform is easier and causes less stress. If there is no uniform, we have to find clothes that adhere to our school’s dress codes but also fit our own personal style. Because of this, the options are narrow down considerably, and we still have to think about making a good impression. So, when all of these factors are combined it is extremely difficult to buy all the right ‘high school’ clothes. If you’re looking for where to shop, here are some personal favorites. 


Clothing is only half of the back-to-school shopping dilemma. Since it’s now August, most of us have received our school supply list. On that list, there are notebooks, pens, organizers, and at some schools, textbooks. And, let me tell you, textbooks can be expensive. Some people buy them second-hand from kids who have already gone to their school. But what if we don’t know anybody at our new school? Amazon is a great resource that sells new, used, eTexts, and even rents textbooks. All that's needed is the title of the book or ISBN number (ask your school for it).


Course registration was a real challenge! When I first researched my school’s offerings there were so many choices and not enough space or time to schedule everything including homework, clubs, sports, activities, and still have down time. To make sense of it all, consider using a good planner to keep track of things. Check these out!


Social media is a great way to learn more about the school we're about to enter, so follow your school on Instagram, reach out to others who follow and through that create connections that may relieve the "who do I sit with at lunch" dilemma. This can be really helpful in dealing with the anxiety of starting a new school!


It’s guaranteed that the majority of us incoming high school students would prefer it if parents didn’t get super involved with campus life. But if you must, just be mindful of the student’s space. Let’s face it, no one in high school wants to see their parents in the hallways during the day!

Written by Sasha | Blogging Intern at Keating Quigley Educational Advisors