Admissions 101: ISEE vs. SSAT

Thoughts from Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process can be overwhelming: the to-do list looks endless, the multitude of components can be bewildering, and the number of hoops to jump through feels convoluted. But it’s important to point out that there’s intentionality behind every step along the way: each school is simply doing its due diligence to determine if your child will be successful in their community.

So, if a school search is on your horizon, we’ve compiled a series of mini-blogs over the coming weeks. Each article will focus on a key element of the process and is intended to give you an overview of what’s involved and help you manage your time more effectively. For additional pointers, you can also read our previous blog, Starting an independent school search? Use the four Rs ... 

For the first installment in our mini-series, we invited Business Development Director at Summit Educational Group, Whitney Longworth, to help answer the perennial question that parents frequently ask us, “Which is better for my child: ISSE or SSAT? “ Here’s what Whitney had to say …

This Week’s Lowdown: ISEE vs. SSAT - Five Key Differences

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While many independent schools specify which test they prefer in the admission process, you may be in a situation where you have the choice of taking the Secondary School Admission Test or the Independent School Entrance Exam.  Here are some key differences to help you decide between the two tests:

1. Vocabulary

Both tests have sections devoted to vocabulary through identifying synonyms.  A key difference is that the other half of the verbal section on the SSAT is devoted to analogies, whereas the ISEE has sentence completions.  If your student struggles with vocabulary, they might find that the sentence completions section on the ISEE is less challenging because of the additional context within the sentences.

2. Essay

Each test has a timed writing sample component.  The SSAT provides students with a choice between two prompts and is the first section on the test.  The ISEE only provides a single prompt and is the final section of the test.  If your student struggles with writing, it may be worth considering the SSAT since they will be able to complete that section first, instead of having to wait until after they have completed the rest of the test on the ISEE.

3. Math

Both tests have similar math concepts, but the Upper Level ISEE includes more advanced concepts, including trigonometry.  The ISEE also has a Quantitative Reasoning section that can be more challenging for some students.

4. Guessing Penalty

The SSAT has a guessing penalty; if you answer a question incorrectly, you lose a ¼ point.  Students need to practice and strategize whether or not they should guess on a question or leave it blank.  The ISEE does not have a guessing penalty; you simply receive points for correct answers. 

5. Opportunities to Test

Students are allowed to take an ISEE test once during a testing window.  The windows are August – November, December – March, and April – July.  Students can take the SSAT on monthly standard test dates, as well as through flex tests and computer-based.  If you are working with a tight timeline, the SSAT may be more convenient as your student will have more opportunities to test.

Still unsure about which test might be the right choice for your student?  You can have them take a practice test of each and compare their results and experiences. 

A final word from KQ …

When it comes to deciding how best to navigate a school search with your child, don’t forget that KQ is here to help you devise a personalized admissions plan that includes building the school list, essay support, preparing for interviews, and ultimately determining the best fit for your child. We’re always just a phone call or email away.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

’ISEE vs. SSAT - Five Key Differences’ Written by Whitney Longworth | Director of Business Development | Summit Educational Group

Whitney graduated cum laude from Connecticut College where she was a selected scholar for the Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy. She started as a test prep tutor with Summit Education Group before joining the team full-time. She enjoys collaborating with school and independent counselor partners in her role at Summit. Whitney is a frequent expert panelist and guest speaker at industry conferences.

Starting an Independent School Search? Use the Four Rs ...

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There’s no disputing it: applying to independent schools is a bewildering process that requires a significant investment in time and effort. In fact, a recent survey released by the Enrollment Management Association (EMA), shows that more than 50% of parents rate their anxiety level about the experience as a six out of ten or higher. That’s a lot of angst right there!

So, what is the best way to start the private school admissions process? And is there a way to make it less onerous? My advice? While there’s no big ‘fix’ that will suddenly make the legwork disappear, I always recommend using the Four Rs of Reflection, Research, Reinforce, Regroup.

Long story short, if an independent school search is on the horizon, I encourage you to follow these simple steps over the summer months. If all goes well, you’ll be ahead of the curve and ready to take a deeper dive into the admissions process by the time September rolls around.

A few words before we begin:

  • When building your initial list of target schools, be as disciplined as possible. This preliminary diligence will help determine which schools you can discard and which one to explore on a more detailed level.

  • Also, if they are old enough, be sure to include your child in all conversations around the search. Their input and opinions will lead to ownership of the process, which will ultimately result in better outcomes.

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Since COVID, school websites have become the primary focus of the initial phase of the school search. Consequently, schools have enriched their site content to provide families with a deeper understanding of student life, academics, and extracurricular activities without even setting foot on campus. This is a huge gift to prospective students and their parents, so use it wisely!

To jump-start the initial legwork, reflect on these questions as you peruse each school website:

  • At this school, will my child be seen and known?

  • Will my child thrive?

  • Does this school provide value in terms of programming and extracurricular activities?

  • Does this school place emphasis on nurturing a love of learning and expanding moral character?

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You’ve followed all the advice in Step 1 and by now, you’ve compiled a list of idealized schools. However, it’s now time to zero in on what matters most and build the definitive list. A word of caution: websites may start to blur and blend together after a while. That is why it is important to scrutinize the content beyond the jargon and take copious notes to determine how it makes you ‘feel’. 

With this in mind, be methodical. Research the answers to these two questions as you explore websites.

  • Does the school’s mission statement resonate with me?

  • Am I curious to learn more?

You’ll be surprised at how your replies will validate first impressions and organize your thoughts even more.

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Well done … You’re making excellent progress. Your finalized list is in sight, but you’re not quite there yet!

After the website, a school’s most powerful tool in attracting new students is word-of-mouth recommendations. So, it’s important to actively solicit third-party opinions to reinforce and validate your thoughts.

To that end, seek out feedback from current parents, students, and alumni. Ask probing questions about what it means to be part of the school community; listen carefully to their personal experiences and anecdotes, and consider how this information aligns with your personal values.

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You’ve fine-tuned the parameters and criteria of your search, browsed every website, listened intently to your neighbors’ storytelling about XYZ School, and you’re now proudly in possession of your child’s list of desirable schools. What an amazing achievement - and the new academic year hasn’t even begun! 

Yes, there is still a lot of work to be done, but for now, give yourself a congratulatory pat on the back and regroup. The rest can wait until September!

If you’re still unsure about which way to turn, Jacquie and I are just a phone call or email away. Whether you’re looking for advice on which schools to include on your child’s school list, seeking guidance for the interview, or looking for more comprehensive support, we’re here to help you work through the complexities of the school search. In the meantime, have fun putting the Four Rs to good use!

Written by Verona Keating | Founding Partner | Keating Quigley Educational Advisors

Why Boarding School?

In conversation with families, we are frequently surprised that more students don’t have boarding schools on their radar screen. Why is that? Could it be that the perception of this type of educational experience is stuck in the past? Or, is it that families simply don’t understand what they have to offer?

To answer these questions, we invited our colleagues at Great Boarding Schools (GBS) to share their perspectives on the benefits of a boarding school education.

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The Benefits of Boarding School…

Who we are…

The Great Boarding School group consists of fifteen top boarding schools from the Northeast. We come together as a consortium to offer interested families a look at a wide spectrum of benefits and options of the various signature programs and 21st-century teaching and learning models embodied by the individual member schools.

Our goal is to help enlighten families regarding boarding school options including; educational philosophies, academic curriculum, extracurricular offerings, single-gender education, and residential life curriculum. We share a unified belief in the positive outcomes a boarding school experience can have on your child.

So, as you embark on the admissions process, let’s answer that refrain ‘why boarding school?’ To do this, we narrow in on the four differentiating pillars of campus life that every parent and candidate should examine when contemplating a boarding school education.

#1 Community

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Boarding schools are more than just schools — they are communities. Communities made up of talented and diverse students, accomplished and caring faculty and staff members, and loyal and dedicated alumni and families. They are communities designed to challenge and support, encourage and celebrate. Communities built on relationships that extend beyond the classroom and into dorms and dining halls, onto playing fields and stages, and far from campuses. They are communities that enhance all aspects of the educational experience, instilling in students the value of connection and collaboration, and preparing them to be leaders in the years to come.

#2 World-Class Academics

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The Goal: To foster academic exploration, feed curiosity, and challenge students as independent learners and thinkers. 

Small class sizes help students learn to share ideas, ask questions, and work collaboratively as they build relationships with their peers and with faculty. Students are encouraged to self-advocate and their needs are seen and understood by teachers who are engaged, passionate, and dedicated to each student’s individual growth and development. Learning continues beyond the classroom at boarding school. Faculty live on campus and serve as coaches, club sponsors, and dorm parents. This affords the opportunity to create teachable moments beyond the classroom - further enriching the student academic experience.

#3 Athletics

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Athletics at a boarding school is about more than wins and losses. No matter what your path in life, physical activity plays an important role in your health and well-being. 

Under the careful mentorship of our experienced and passionate coaches, you learn important life lessons that transcend sport. Our varsity squads routinely compete against the best competition, but also offer great sub-varsity options for developing talent. Whether you play for the love of the game or are bound for college glory, we have a team for you.

While many students choose to play team sports all three seasons, each school offers athletic alternatives and recreational sports.

#4 Arts

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The opportunity to engage in creative endeavors like music, dance, theater, and visual arts is one of the hallmarks of a boarding school education.  Each boarding school has a unique arts curriculum complete with light-filled studios to provide the perfect setting for students to immerse themselves in the creative process.  Whether you want to explore the basics of many different art forms or immerse yourself in your particular passion project, there is something for every kind of artist at boarding school.

Find out more at upcoming GBS Workshops

One last thing…if boarding school is on your child’s horizon, it’s never too early to start the search process. To help you on your way, GBS is hosting a series of virtual workshops on May 4, 6, and 11. These interactive discussions will provide an excellent opportunity for parents and prospective candidates to meet students, who will talk about their personal experience with dorm life and co-curricular programming. Admissions officers will also be available to address topics such as:

  • How COVID-19 has changed the way that students and their families research, identify, and select boarding schools

  • Tips on how and when to visit a campus

  • Applying and interviewing

  • Financial Aid

Click here to register for any or all of these events. And if you’d like to dig in deeper, email us at KQ any time!

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