Boarding School Bound? Here's How to Pack Like a Pro!

Part 1: The Power of Preparation

Embarking on the journey to boarding school marks a momentous milestone in your child's life, one that can trigger a whirlwind of emotions - from eager excitement to nervous anticipation. As a parent, it is your job to ensure that they step into this new adventure well-prepared, both in practical and emotional terms.

Part 1 of our blog offers invaluable tips that you can incorporate into your summer break routine at home, ensuring your child is well-prepared for their transformative journey ahead. By following these straightforward steps, you can help build resilience and self-confidence, laying a solid foundation for their academic and personal success once they set foot on campus.

And in Part 2 – coming soon – we will provide a comprehensive packing checklist to ensure your child has everything they need to hit the ground running at their new home away from home.

Here's to an unforgettable experience filled with growth, friendships, and success!

Build Emotional Resilience

As their first solo venture away approaches, mixed emotions may start to swirl in your child’s head. They may feel excited about the year ahead but also apprehensive about leaving home and making new friends. Here are some positive steps you can take to ease concerns. 

Foster Open Communication: Encourage your child to express their feelings and worries about boarding school. Address any anxieties they might have and provide reassurance and support.

Encourage New Connections: Where possible, help your child connect with incoming classmates in person or in group chats. This advance contact will create a sense of community ahead of move-in day.

Maintain Old Connections: Assure your child that you'll always be there for them and that they can maintain connections with family and friends through phone calls, FaceTime chats, and letters (yes, the art of letter-writing still exists!)

Foster Independence: Encourage your child to take on more responsibilities at home, such as managing their own schedule and organizing their belongings. This will help them feel more confident handling tasks independently once they get to campus.

Use Positive Reinforcement: Highlight the positive aspects of boarding school, such as the opportunity to explore new interests, make friends from diverse backgrounds, and experience personal growth.

Pack Smarter

Image with smiley face emoji and 'Pack a Positive Attitude, Embrace New Experiences' advice for all students heading to boarding school for the new academic year.

Once you’ve taken care of your child's emotional preparation, it's time to tackle the physical aspect of packing. Apart from being as practical and organized as possible, our biggest recommendation is to avoid overpacking. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

School-specific Guidelines: Contact your child’s school for their tailored packing list to ensure you don't miss any essential items. Also, carefully read through the uniform and dress code guidelines in the Student Handbook. And if your child is an athlete, check with the Athletics Department to ensure they have all the correct equipment. 

Quality over Quantity: Focus on buying durable, high-quality items that will last. This will save you money in the long run and ensure your child has reliable belongings.

Label Everything: Invest in labels or permanent markers to mark your child's belongings to prevent mix-ups and loss.

Clothing Essentials: Pack a combination of school uniforms or dress code-compliant outfits, casual and formal wear, and appropriate clothing for extracurricular activities and seasonal weather conditions.

Prescription Medications: If your child takes any form of regular prescription medication, be sure to check with the school’s health center to learn more about their prescription medication policy.

Laundry Supplies: Provide your child with detergent, stain remover, a hamper, and a laundry bag to encourage responsibility for their laundry needs.

Storage & Organization: Consider providing storage solutions like under-bed storage containers and closet organizers to keep their belongings tidy.

Electronics & Entertainment: While limited screen time is encouraged, a laptop, headphones, and a few comfort items from home can ease the transition. 

KQ - A Guiding Voice

Looking for guidance on boarding school options? KQ can help. We offer advice on boarding school options nationwide, from big to small, single gender to coed, athletic to arts focus, close by to distant: we’re here to guide you on them all! Contact us at 203-987-5602 or email us to learn more about our services. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written By Verona Keating & Jacquie Quigley | Co-Founders | Keating Quigley Educational Consultants

10 tips to maximize college visits

Summer is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time for all you high school rising juniors and seniors to get out and explore college campuses. This is a right of passage for many students and their parents - and an essential part of college admissions.

So, to help you make the most of your visits, we advise you to start planning now. We've put together tips on how to fully immerse yourself in each campus and gather all the information you will need to make an informed decision about your future college.

1. Research

Before hitting the road, prioritize your interests, academic programs, preferred location, and other essential factors. Then, dive into college websites and gather information about campus life, majors, extracurricular activities, and admission requirements.

2. Schedule

Contact the admissions office or visit the college's website to schedule your visit. With convenient online booking systems and special visitation days for prospective students, you'll quickly find a date that fits your timeline.

3. Prepare questions in advance 

Make a list of questions you want to ask during your visit. These should include inquiries about academics, campus life, housing, internship opportunities, career services, and anything that is important to you. Asking questions will also demonstrate your interest and help you gather valuable insights.

4. Dress appropriately

Dress comfortably yet presentably. Opt for business casual or smart casual attire, as this will give you a professional appearance while still being comfortable for walking around campus.

5. Pack wisely

Always have a notebook or phone handy to jot down notes during information sessions. You can also take videos or photos to capture essential details as you wander around. And remember, it gets hot on the college campus trail, so pack your water bottle!

6. Attend Info Sessions & Tours

Participate in guided campus tours and information sessions. These will allow you to explore campus, visit key facilities, and soak up the atmosphere. They will also help you gain valuable insights into the admissions process, financial aid, academic programs, and student support services.

7. Connect with students & faculty

Meet with current students and faculty members in your area of academic interest. Their perspectives can fill in the gaps of your college visit and help you make an informed decision.

8. Explore the surrounding Area

It is also important to allow time to explore the surrounding area beyond campus. With that in mind, check out nearby neighborhoods, coffee shops, restaurants, local attractions, and amenities to get a sense of what it would be like to live in the area. Four years is a long time after all!

9. Reflect & debrief

Take time to reflect on your experience after each campus visit. Write down your impressions, pros and cons, and other relevant observations. Trust us, colleges start to look and feel the same after a while, so this exercise will help you keep track of your thoughts.

10. Don’t forget to have fun!

Visiting college campuses is an excellent way to imagine yourself as a student and evaluate if a particular college is right for you. These experiences are also a right of passage, so savor the process and create special memories along the way. With this in mind, start compiling those road trip playlists, and get ready to hit the open road!

11. Bonus Tip: Save your child from cringeworthy moments!

If you are a parent gearing up for college visits with your high schooler this summer, click here for a sidesplitting and must-read checklist that will save you from becoming a walking embarrassment to your child while on campus. Thanks to The New Yorker Magazine for this hilarious gem!

And lastly, A few useful resources…

  • To help you prepare for your upcoming roadtrips, we have created a Campus Visit Research Tool & Checklist. Just click on the link below, and we'll send it straight out to you.

Contact KQ: An Expert guiding Voice

Working with an educational consultant can streamline the college admissions process and alleviate stress. Keating Quigley is here to help if you'd like to learn more about how to prepare for campus visits - or any other aspect of the college search. We're always just a phone call or email away!

Written By Verona Keating & Jacquie Quigley | Founding Partners | Keating Quigley Educational Consultants

Rising seniors: Get Ahead This Summer!

As the academic year draws to a close, rising seniors are contemplating ways to make the most of their downtime, delve deeper into their college search, and simultaneously savor the carefree days of summer.

Every student's journey is unique, but it's important to have a strong and structured plan in place, no matter what their individual focus may be. As summer approaches and the planning begins, here are some helpful tips to help rising seniors get the most out of their summer and guide them toward success:

Volunteer or intern: Engaging in volunteer work or an internship within a desired field is an advantageous way to acquire valuable experience and cultivate new skill sets.

Get a job: A summer job not only provides valuable work experience that looks good on a resume, but it also helps to broaden horizons.

Prepare for standardized tests: If your child plans to take the SAT or ACT in the fall, they should use the summer to prepare and take practice tests.

Work on a resume: To save time in the fall, rising seniors should make the most of the summer months by dedicating time to refining their resumes to include work experience, leadership roles, community service commitments, accolades, etc.

Explore extracurricular activities: The summer provides an excellent opportunity to explore new extracurricular pursuits, such as joining a sports team or taking up a new hobby.

Start tracking activities and achievements: The activities log is an important but time-consuming part of the Common Application. The summer provides the perfect opportunity for students to reflect on their activities and accomplishments since freshman year and organize them in a spreadsheet. This will save time when submitting applications in the fall.

Visit colleges: If your child is still unsure about which schools to apply to, visiting college campuses during the summer is a helpful way to narrow down options and start finalizing the school list. It’s also fun to spend one-on-one time with your child, so get those playlists and snacks ready for the open road!

Get a head start on the Common App essay: One of the most important pieces of advice we give our students is to begin working on the Common App essay before the demanding workload of senior year begins. Check out our recent blog, It's College Essay Season: Let's Get It Done!, for detailed information. In the meantime, here are some suggestions for crafting a solid first draft:

  • Break the piece down into manageable chunks

  • Generate ideas through brainstorming

  • Take it step-by-step to make it less overwhelming

  • Write rough drafts

  • Take breaks to refresh the mind

  • Seek out constructive feedback and encouragement

  • Reach out for additional assistance if necessary

KQ: a Helping Hand

If your rising senior is in need of help with their Personal Statement this summer - or any aspect of the college admissions process - KQ is here to lend a hand. Please contact us via email or phone to schedule a consultation. 

Written By Verona Keating & Jacquie Quigley | Co-founders | Keating Quigley Educational Consultants

Conquer Those End of Year To Do Lists!

There's no disputing it: time flies! And now that May is closing in, the last day of school will be here in the blink of an eye. With all the art shows, dance recitals, graduations, award ceremonies, field trips, team banquets, and recognition dinners, the final weeks of the school year can be a whirlwind. To help you stay an top of the craziness of it all, we’ve put together our top tips. Check it out…There’s something for everyone whether big or small!

What you can do At school…

1. Avoid ‘springitis’: Make sure your child puts in maximum effort right up to the last minute to ensure a strong end to the academic year. Consistency and accountability are crucial, so make sure they maintain their routine and stay on top of year-end projects, assignments, and finals.

2. Consider teacher options: If you think your child would react more favorably to a specific teacher’s personality and teaching style next year, now is the time to submit a request to the Division Head or Head of School. These discussions take place in early summer, so get to it!

3. Discuss class placement: Similarly, if you believe your child's classroom experience is being negatively impacted by a classmate or your child is too socially reliant on a friend, talk to their teacher and ask them to be placed in separate homerooms next year. Every child deserves the chance to grow into their own space at their own pace.

4. Crunch standardized test scores: And lastly, if you need guidance to decipher your child's recent standardized test scores and how they impact class placement, eligibility to advanced classes, or basic skills programs, contact your child's counselor, advisor, or teacher. They will help you make sense of the complicated percentile, stanine, and composite score data on the report.

What you can do At home…

1. Help your high schooler find a summer job:  Encourage your teen (assuming they’re old enough) to research summer employment or volunteering opportunities. Work experience is an excellent way to stay active over the long summer months and also teaches high schoolers the power of earning pocket money and helping others. And on another note: although the college application process might be a few years into your child's future, be aware that colleges prefer to see seasonal jobs listed in the Student Activity Log section of the Common App!

2. Sign your rising senior up for essay support: Summer is the ideal time for your child to work on the Common App essay before the demanding workload of senior year begins. Check out our recent blog, It's College Essay Season: Let's Get It Done!, for more info.

3. Show gratitude: There are most likely some staff members who made a positive impact on your child this year. Whoever they may be (a homeroom teacher, someone in the Main Office, the Head of School, or a member of the custodial staff), take time to thank them for their hard work and dedication personally. It may be a small gesture, but trust us, it goes a long way. 

4. Return & pick up ‘stuff’: Remember to trawl through closets and bedrooms at home and drop off IT equipment, library books, school supplies, or general classroom items on loan during the school year. Similarly, don't forget to pick up your child's yearbook, awards, art projects, etc., from the classroom before the last day of school.

5. Donate gently worn items: As the year winds down, this is the perfect opportunity to give your child's closet a once-over to determine what gently used uniforms and clothes to keep, donate, or toss. We promise you'll feel satisfied - not to mention lighter!

KQ: The Voice of Gentle Guidance & Reason

If you are looking for an educational consultant to advise you on any aspect of your child’s educational journey, email or call us. We’re always here to help...

Happy (almost) summer!

Written By Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

It’s College Essay Season: Let’s Get It Done!

Hands up if you have a high school junior at home who is about to embark on their college essay journey and is furiously contemplating what to write!

While this can be a daunting process for many, at KQ, we remind our college applicants that this critical piece of writing is an opportunity to showcase their individual personalities and potential, have some fun - and stand out from the crowd. That is why we advise students to invest time in crafting a solid and memorable essay that reflects the essence of who they are. 

Getting started… 

Here are seven helpful tips for students preparing to pen an effective college essay:

  1.  Be genuine and original: Colleges want to understand the applicant's personality. We, therefore, encourage students to write about topics they are passionate about and reflect their personalities, interests, and values.

  2. Use a strong hook: Whether it is a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a quote, we urge students to begin their essays with a strong ‘hook’ that grabs the reader's attention from the get-go and draws them in. 

  3. Show, don't tell: Instead of simply ‘telling’ the reader about them; we counsel students to use descriptive language and vivid details to showcase personal experiences and emotions. 

  4. Be specific: We cannot stress enough the importance of illustrating individual strengths. However, we always tell students to provide concrete examples and details to support arguments and reinforce their thesis or story.

  5. Stay focused: Going off on tangents is a major 'no-no,' so we caution students to be concise, stay focused, stick to the topic, and avoid getting sidetracked.

  6. Edit and revise: Producing a piece that flows well and is free of errors is paramount, so we drive home the need to edit and modify the essay multiple times. We also recommend students have someone read it to provide objective feedback.

  7. Be vulnerable: Above all, we encourage students to be unafraid of letting their voice and personality shine through.

Elements to Include

When it comes to structure, student should be mindful to include the following components in their college essay:

  • Introduction: Begin with a strong hook that grabs the reader's attention and provides context for the rest of the essay.

  • Personal story or anecdote: Share a personal story or anecdote related to the topic or theme to help the reader connect personally.

  • Reflection: Reflect on a personal experience or story to explain how it has influenced or shaped the writer.

  • Personality traits and values: Discuss individual personality traits and values that are important and how they relate to the topic or theme of the essay.

  • Accomplishments and achievements: Highlight some accomplishments demonstrating strengths and potential. Don’t be afraid to brag (within reason)!

  • Goals and aspirations: Discuss future goals and aspirations and how they relate to the topic or theme.

  • Conclusion: Wrap up with a firm conclusion that makes a strong impression on the reader and leaves them wanting more.


To summarize, we constantly remind students that the key to turning out a strong college essay is to:

  • Dig deep, stay focused and don’t lose sight of the theme.

  • Find a voice: be authentic by bringing personal experiences to life.

  • Always demonstrate growth.

  • Use descriptive language: provide vivid details.

  • Solicit opinion: ask trusted people to provide feedback.

KQ is here to guide you!

So, if your student is looking for guidance with their college essay, email or call us. Our College Essay Specialist, Anne Connerty, has many years of expertise behind her, and is always happy to help!

Written By Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants